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Christ Pacific Church would like to extend an invitation to attend either online or in person one of our services which are held most Sundays at 10am. Today, Peter Little…
Today we will hear from Pastor Peter with the message, 'Wisdom, Gratitude, and Staying Awake' and reading from Matthew 25:13-30. Thank you for joining us!
Join us this morning as we hear from God's word in Matthew 11:25-30, with the message, 'The Life Jesus Invites Us Into' with guest preacher Pastor Pat Cotrell. We're glad…
Join us this morning as we hear from God's word in Matthew 28:18-20, with the message, 'I Believe! Now What?' with Pastor Peter. This is the third message in our…
This week we continue our Advent sermon series 'The Promised One'. Today's message Jesus is Immanuel points us to our readings in Matthew 1:18-25 and Rev 21:1-4.
On this Palm Sunday, Peter begins our newest series, 'Who is He?' with today's message,'King of My Heart'. We are reading through Matthew 21:1-10 NRSV.